• armhf installed web telnet garbles input

    From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Monday, September 02, 2024 16:18:30
    Can you give this version a shot? I made two commits last year, and this is the first of the two, so based on whether it works or is garbled I'll know which of the two commits introduced the issue.


    I put in the version of websocketservice.js you linked here and it is back to garbled input. Also, it doesn't use the ANSI terminal, only the dumb terminal. I will be rolling back again to get it to work again.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 16:38:14
    I put in the version of websocketservice.js you linked here and it is back to garbled input. Also, it doesn't use the ANSI terminal, only the dumb terminal. I will be rolling back again to get it to work again.

    Thanks, that helps narrow down to which commit caused the issue.

    Can you try downloading this to a NEW file called exec/websocketservice-debug.js, add two new entries to ctrl/services.ini, and allow ports 1124 and 11245 to be forwarded to your BBS? This debug version of websocketservice will echo some websocket metadata back to the user, so once things are setup I'll be able to connect to your system on one of the new ports to see how your system is interpreting the data/keypresses fTelnet is sending.

    Download: https://tinyurl.com/3rsv6eww

    services.ini entries:



    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 16:52:40
    The debug .js file, services.ini changes, port forwarding for the debug ports are all set up. Have at it!!

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 13:29:06
    The debug .js file, services.ini changes, port forwarding for the debug ports are all set up. Have at it!!

    Just gave it a shot, but it looks like your telnet server is down? Can't connect via the web telnet, or even directly with syncterm.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Thursday, September 05, 2024 06:59:38
    I just got back to reading messages and saw your response. I restarted the lot and it looks like the telnet server is running again.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Thursday, September 05, 2024 11:18:27
    The debug .js file, services.ini changes, port forwarding for the debug ports are all set up. Have at it!!

    Just tried again and was able to connect, and the extra debug information definitely helped narrow things down, although it's a mystery to me as to why it's not working. I've added a bit more debug output to this version, if you could replace your websocketservice-debug.js with it: https://tinyurl.com/bdfr3enr

    If you're a programmer (or other programmers are reading), here's the relevant debug output:


    This tells me the incoming packet is a binary frame (2 = binary)

    FWebSocketState=WEBSOCKET_NEED_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, InByte=129, FFrameMasked = true, FFramePayloadLength = 1

    This tells me the incoming frame is 1 byte long, and is masked.

    FWebSocketState=WEBSOCKET_NEED_MASKING_KEY, InByte=2301443968, FFrameMask = 137 45 63 128

    This gives us our four masking bytes

    FWebSocketState=WEBSOCKET_DATA, InStr=232

    This is the raw data. Since the frame is masked, you need to xor each incoming byte with a masking byte. In this case you'd do 232 XOR 137

    tempBytes = 232

    This is the unmasked bytes, which should be the result of the 232 XOR 137 operation, which should be 97, which would correspond with the "a" that I pressed. But it's not, it's still the original value of 232, which means either the XOR operation didn't run, or it ran as 232 XOR 0 for some reason. The extra debug information will hopefully shed light on what's happening here.

    The part that's really confusing me is that the line of code that unmasks the bytes hasn't changed between the commit that works for you and the commit that breaks:

    if (FFrameMasked) InByte ^= FFrameMask[FFramePayloadReceived++ % 4];

    We know from the debug output above that FFramemasked is true, so the XOR should be happening. And while we don't know what the value of FFramePayloadReceived is (it should be 0, but it's not included in the current debug output), the % 4 means no matter what value it is we'll always be looking at elements 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the FFrameMask array, and we know those elements have values 137, 45, 63, and 128 from the debug output, so it doesn't make sense that a XOR 0 is happening...

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Thursday, September 05, 2024 19:41:31
    The revised debug.js is in place. I fear I am more a hack than programmer.

    I forget if I am using the most current websocketservice.js on the ws and wss ports, but it has been working fine as far as I can tell.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Friday, September 06, 2024 09:51:19
    The revised debug.js is in place

    Things just keep getting weirder...the latest version is working as expected! But there weren't any logic changes at all, just two extra debug outputs, so there's no reason for this version to work and the previous version to be broken.

    Can you try running both debug versions side by side? That'll let me see if they're now both working, or if the older version is still broken. And if the older version is still broken, then I'll have to bring in another set of eyes because clearly I'm missing something.

    So re-download https://tinyurl.com/3rsv6eww and save it to a new file called exec/websocketservice-debug2.js

    Then in services.ini add:



    And of course forward ports if necessary. Thanks!

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Ree on Friday, September 06, 2024 11:06:29
    Re: armhf installed web telnet garbles input
    By: Ree to W5jsn on Fri Sep 06 2024 09:51:19

    Things just keep getting weirder...the latest version is working as expected! But there weren't any logic changes at all, just two extra debug outputs, so there's no reason for this version to work and the previous

    This reminds me of a problem I ran into sometime last year, though I don't remember the details. I called it Shroedinger's Variable. (Amusingly, the guy who brought the bug to my attention turned out to be a physics teacher.)

    Something was seemingly undefined at runtime *except* when I used log, writeln, some other things that required it to be resolved immediately. As if the same wasn't also necessary for math, evaluation, etc.

    It would be interesting to play with different compilation options controlling the behavior of the JS runtime, though I don't remember what's available. I don't know if this would be related to eg. JIT or if it's some weird interplay with the Socket object or what.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Friday, September 06, 2024 17:05:40
    Things just keep getting weirder...the latest version is working as expected! But there weren't any logic changes at all, just two extra debug outputs, so there's no reason for this version to work and the previous version to be broken.

    Can you try running both debug versions side by side? That'll let me see if they're now both working, or if the older version is still broken. And if the older version is still broken, then I'll have to bring in another set of eyes because clearly I'm missing something.

    debug2.js is in place services.ini is updated as well. My firewall is looking like swiss cheese, but I am glad I can contribute to improving things.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Saturday, September 07, 2024 10:26:47
    debug2.js is in place services.ini is updated as well. My firewall is looking like swiss cheese, but I am glad I can contribute to improving things.

    lol, yeah it's a lot of open ports now! The second debug version isn't needed anymore, so you can remove websocketservice-debug2.js and the services.ini entries for ports 1125 and 11255.

    Then with echicken's help I think the cause has been determined, so I have a new version for you to test that can be saved over websocketservice-debug.js:


    And thanks for all the help testing this issue. Looks like this may be specific to raspi/banana pi installs, so it'll help any other sysops running on those devices once we have a working fix.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Saturday, September 07, 2024 19:04:54
    lol, yeah it's a lot of open ports now! The second debug version isn't needed anymore, so you can remove websocketservice-debug2.js and the services.ini entries for ports 1125 and 11255.

    Then with echicken's help I think the cause has been determined, so I have a new version for you to test that can be saved over websocketservice-debug.js:


    And thanks for all the help testing this issue. Looks like this may be specific to raspi/banana pi installs, so it'll help any other sysops running on those devices once we have a working fix.

    I have made the changes as above. Let me know how it goes!

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Sunday, September 08, 2024 16:34:51
    I have made the changes as above. Let me know how it goes!

    Still no joy. Here's another version of websocketservice-debug.js that unmasks the data in multiple steps, so hopefully this'll work. If not, it'll log an error on the server side pinpointing exactly where the unmasking is failing.


    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Sunday, September 08, 2024 23:16:02
    Ignore my previous message -- I was able to get a virtual raspi working with qemu, and the version I linked to in the previous message still doesn't work.

    But after a bunch more trial-and-error, I think I finally have a fixed version. It works on the virtual instance, hopefully it works on real hardware too!


    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net
  • From W5jsn@VERT/TUCUMCAR to Ree on Monday, September 09, 2024 04:44:33
    Ignore my previous message -- I was able to get a virtual raspi working with qemu, and the version I linked to in the previous message still doesn't work.

    But after a bunch more trial-and-error, I think I finally have a fixed version. It works on the virtual instance, hopefully it works on real hardware too!

    Behold! I put your new websocketservice.js in place (not on the debug port, but the standard port) and it seems to be working well! This is fantastic!

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Tucumcari BBS
  • From Ree@VERT/FTELNET to W5jsn on Monday, September 09, 2024 15:36:28
    Behold! I put your new websocketservice.js in place (not on the debug port, but the standard port) and it seems to be working well! This is fantastic!

    Awesome, glad that finally did the trick! I'm still doing a bit of investigating to see if I can find a better option, because this is more of a workaround than a fix, and the bug we're working around here could crop up elsewhere and need another workaround, so a proper fix would be best. I'll let you know if I have something more to test later, if that's OK with you.

    And thanks again for your help testing.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ fTelnet Demo Server - ftelnet.synchro.net