• website issues with

    From SYS64738@VERT/GEO to All on Friday, October 04, 2024 09:55:20
    Hello, all!

    When I try to access my webpage from (localhost), I get this contorted-looking webpage and can't figure out why. Any ideas?


    Here's how it is supposed to look:


    I've searched but haven't found anything that could address this particular issue.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ GeoSync - geo.synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to SYS64738 on Friday, October 04, 2024 12:57:11
    Re: website issues with
    By: SYS64738 to All on Fri Oct 04 2024 09:55:20

    When I try to access my webpage from (localhost), I get this contorted-looking webpage and can't figure out why. Any ideas?

    The browser is failing to load certain resources, like the stylesheet and probably some javascript. I don't know why this is happening. As far as I can remember, your hostname isn't baked into these URLs and the paths are relative, so it should work.

    It's possible that this stuff is loading but some script is crashing and breaking the page.

    It's possible that you have some mixed HTTP / HTTPS thing going on, or there's something about your setup we don't know about (edits to index.xjs, a reverse proxy in front, etc.).

    I could say more if I could see the network requests and errors in your browser's dev tools, and look at the source of the broken page, but I can't do that from here.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From StingRay@VERT/ANETO to SYS64738 on Friday, October 04, 2024 16:59:03
    Are you using Firefox? This is how mine looks when using Firefox. All other browsers display fine for my site.

    https://a-net-online.lol * A-Net Online


    þ Synchronet þ ANETO
  • From SYS64738@VERT/GEO to echicken on Saturday, October 05, 2024 01:43:52
    Re: website issues with
    By: SYS64738 to All on Fri Oct 04 2024 09:55:20

    The browser is failing to load certain resources, like the stylesheet and probably some javascript. I don't know why this is happening. As far as I can remember, your hostname isn't baked into these URLs and the paths are relative, so it should work.

    It's possible that this stuff is loading but some script is crashing and breaking the page.

    It's possible that you have some mixed HTTP / HTTPS thing going on, or there's something about your setup we don't know about (edits to index.xjs, a reverse proxy in front, etc.).

    I did make a couple of edits on index.xjs. I'll reset it to the original and see if that makes a difference.

    I could say more if I could see the network requests and errors in your browser's dev tools, and look at the source of the broken page, but I can't do that from here.

    I'll check out the dev tools also and see if it throws up any red flags.

    Thanks, echicken!

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ GeoSync - geo.synchro.net
  • From SYS64738@VERT/GEO to StingRay on Saturday, October 05, 2024 01:45:56
    Are you using Firefox? This is how mine looks when using Firefox. All other browsers display fine for my site.

    https://a-net-online.lol * A-Net Online

    I use Chrome and Firefox. I get the same result on both. Yours looks fine to me as well.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ GeoSync - geo.synchro.net
  • From SYS64738@VERT/GEO to echicken on Saturday, October 05, 2024 02:46:34
    Re: website issues with
    By: SYS64738 to All on Fri Oct 04 2024 09:55:20

    The browser is failing to load certain resources, like the stylesheet and probably some javascript. I don't know why this is happening. As far as I can remember, your hostname isn't baked into these URLs and the paths are relative, so it should work.

    It's possible that this stuff is loading but some script is crashing and breaking the page.

    It's possible that you have some mixed HTTP / HTTPS thing going on, or there's something about your setup we don't know about (edits to index.xjs, a reverse proxy in front, etc.).

    I could say more if I could see the network requests and errors in your browser's dev tools, and look at the source of the broken page, but I can't do that from here.

    Here's a list of the errors I encountered when pulling up the localhost in my browser:

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH | bootstrap.min.css:1 +

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT | checkbox.css:1

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT | offcanvas.css:1

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH | bootstrap.min.js:1 +

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH | jquery.min.js:1 +

    Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined at (index):9:4 | (index):9

    Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined at offcanvas.js:1:1 | offcanvas.js:1

    Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined at (index):255:4 | (index):255

    Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined at HTML Document.<anonymous> (common.js:135:2) | common.js:135

    Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined at window.onload (common.js:154:2) | common.js:154

    Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined at (index):139:5 | (index):139

    A screenshot for the errors can be seen here: https://imgur.com/n6bKbtg

    Resetting the index.xjs file had no affect on the errors, btw.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ GeoSync - geo.synchro.net